E-commerce Seller? Struggling to Manage Your Orders?

Start working with MERX.

Get everything you need to grow your business. Orders, Stock management, Reports and CRM Made Simple.

it's free, Sign up now!

Why Merxdot?

Running your COD business with basic tools like Google Sheets is like running a marathon in flip-flops. Sure, you’ll make progress, but it’s far from efficient.

That’s Where Merxdot Comes In.

Merxdot is like swapping those flip-flops for running shoes. It takes all the scattered pieces of your business—tracking orders, handling deliveries, and managing payments—and brings them together in one powerful platform. No more juggling separate tools or struggling to keep up. With Merxdot, you’re set to sprint ahead and scale your business with ease.

In few steps

You can take control on your e-commerce business

Connect your Stores
Manage Stock
Confirming orders
Ship & Track orders
Gain valuable insights

Merx. Features

Connect Stores & Import orders

Easy to connect your Shopify & Woocommerce stores

  • One-click to connect
  • Import orders instantly
  • Synchronize Stock with connect Stores


Gain comprehensive and valuable insights into your business.

  • Confirmation & Cancellation rates
  • Sales Metrics
  • Sales performance
  • Revenue & Expenses

Fulfillment & Shipping

Fulfill orders from the warehouse and ship using integrated carriers.

  • Fulfilling & Shipping orders
  • Import tracking numbers
  • Manage Delivery & Return
  • Sync your fulfillment operations with Shopify.


Manage Your Orders and Stay Updated

  • Import orders using Merxdot integrations
  • Call-center for confirming orders
  • Updating order information
  • Manage Payments & Refunds

Our Comfortable Rates

Start working with Merxdot—no fees required, try it for free!

  • No fees
  • Up 2 stores
  • Stock management
  • Fulfilment & Shipping
Get Started
$ 39 /mo
  • up to 300 orders/mo
  • Multiple stores
  • Stock management
  • Fulfilment & Shipping
Try it Now
$ 69 /mo
  • up to 800 orders/mo
  • Multiple stores
  • Stock management
  • Fulfilment & Shipping
  • Agents: Call-center & Warehouse Manager
Try it Now
$ 149 /mo
  • up to 1800 orders/mo
  • Multiple stores
  • Stock management
  • Fulfilment & Shipping
  • Agents: Call-center & Warehouse Manager
Try it Now

Are you looking for more?

Boost your e-commerce success with MERXDOT

You can manage Cash on delivery, Drop-Shipping or any E-commerce business with the platform.

  • Connect multiple stores.
  • Get stock update instantly.
  • Gain insights.
  • Track sales metrics.


How our MERXDOT work ?

You can connect your store using Shopify or Google Sheets integration to import orders.

How do I start confirming orders?

Make sure you have installed the COD app from the Connect section, then go to New Orders in the Call Center.

How i do shipt orders ?

After confirming orders, go to the Shipping section to start fulfilling orders. You can ship with your local carrier or use available shipping integrations like CTT Express.

How do I determine my expenses and costs?

You can gain full visibility of your business using Merx.Insight. You can set up the cost of your products and import daily ad spend from the Insight section and Setup.

Have Question ? Get in touch!